/ twiːn /
contraction of
- between
Word History and Origins
Example Sentences
Miley Cyrus morphed from cherub-faced Disney tween into raunchy twerker.
Girl Meets World is simply a tween show with tween humor and loose ties to a series that grown ups used to love.
A tween girl named Rama, from the nearby village of Jayyous, had also joined the sport.
And Kristen Stewart, star of tween Holy Grail, Twilight, confessed that she thinks smoking pot is “no big deal.”
With Hannah Montana long gone, a new legion of tween TV shows has risen.
They wasted o'er a scorching flameThe marrow of his bones; But a miller used him worst of all—He crush'd him 'tween two stones.
Already heat and stuffiness tween decks so unpleasant that carpenters were set to work to cut out stern ports for ventilation.
Prendergast then descended into the 'tween decks, and with his own hands cut the throat of the unfortunate surgeon.
Many and many the 'tween-watch have I passed in a coil of rope in the tops, a volume of the classics in my hand.
Him that's allus talkin' about lovin' our neighbours as ourselves, standin' a-tween us an' our natral rights.