1or splain
[ spleyn ]
2- a combining form extracted from mansplain and meaning “to explain or comment on something in a condescending, overconfident, and often inaccurate or oversimplified manner, from the perspective of the group one identifies with,” as in ladysplain whitesplain
racism being whitesplained to a person of color.
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Example Sentences
"I'll 'splain ever'thing as soon as we get to your rooms," promised Dorothy.
From Project Gutenberg
They isnt enough words in langwitch, says he, t splain things.
From Project Gutenberg
And I drap in, major, ter 'splain ter you dat I'se gwine ter gently draw outen politics, yassah.
From Project Gutenberg
Yes, but I don't know that anybody kin 'splain your daughter allus being with Mr. Thomas, who ain't even divo'ced from his wife.
From Project Gutenberg
Oh, Mr. Raynor, I do hope an' pray he see fit to give you a chanc't to 'splain 'way the diffe'nces!
From Project Gutenberg