[ uh-blig-uh-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee, ob-li-guh- ]
- required as a matter of obligation; mandatory:
A reply is desirable but not obligatory.
- incumbent or compulsory (usually followed by on or upon ):
duties obligatory on all.
Synonyms: imperative, necessary
Antonyms: voluntary
- imposing moral or legal obligation; binding:
an obligatory promise.
- creating or recording an obligation, as a document.
/ ɒˈblɪɡətərɪ; -trɪ /
- required to be done, obtained, possessed, etc
- of the nature of or constituting an obligation
Derived Forms
- obˈligatorily, adverb
Other Words From
- ob·lig·a·to·ri·ly [uh, -, blig, -, uh, -tawr-, uh, -lee, ‑-tohr‑, ob, -li-g, uh, ‑, uh, -blig-, uh, -, tawr, -, uh, -lee, ‑-, tohr, ‑, ob-li-g, uh, ‑], adverb
- ob·liga·tori·ness noun
- nonob·liga·tori·ly adverb
- nonob·liga·tory adjective
- uno·bliga·tory adjective
Word History and Origins
Origin of obligatory1
Example Sentences
Needless to say, when the North Face sent me a pair of its newest trail shoes, I assumed I’d take them out for one obligatory run and then relegate them to the bottom shelf.
This became especially problematic when Sanders received the obligatory Gatorade shower as the clock neared zero.
The “CRISPR babies” episode is now an obligatory chapter in any telling of the gene-editing story.
Doria and Bolsonaro have also publicly bickered about everything from social distancing to the use of face masks and whether vaccines should be obligatory or not throughout the tumultuous year.
Corporate managers, like most of us, take obligatory duties seriously.
There was also the obligatory shopping spree at the F.A.O. Schwarz toy store across from Central Park.
Unspoken consensus made driving up and down certain streets obligatory and parking in certain places required.
Yes, they showed up, wore their “Team Mitch” shirts, and joined in the obligatory anti-Obama chants.
I actually quit prefacing my Ralph Nader screeds with the obligatory he-gave-us-the-seatbelt boilerplate years ago.
Lean In, by Sheryl Sandberg (Knopf) Obligatory ‘Power’ SubtitleWomen, Work, and the Will to Lead.
It was therefore obligatory that purchasers should know his work, that in fact his sign manual should be always present.
Two duties at least are, therefore, obligatory on him then;—to seek a disposition willingly to vow, and then to make the vow.
Both are obligatory at the same instant of time, and both might possibly be performed in one moment.
The principles on which the vow is made, are immutable; and while the Church is on earth, it will continue to be obligatory.
Commands enjoining Covenanting must be obligatory on men, in an individual, or in a social capacity, or in both.