[ naf-thuh, nap- ]
- a colorless, volatile petroleum distillate, usually an intermediate product between gasoline and benzine, used as a solvent, fuel, etc. Compare mineral spirits.
- any of various similar liquids distilled from other products.
/ ˈnæfθə; ˈnæp- /
- a distillation product from coal tar boiling in the approximate range 80–170°C and containing aromatic hydrocarbons
- a distillation product from petroleum boiling in the approximate range 100–200°C and containing aliphatic hydrocarbons: used as a solvent and in petrol
- an obsolete name for petroleum
/ năf′thə /
- Any of several liquid mixtures of hydrocarbons made by refining petroleum or by breaking down coal tar. Naphtha is usually flammable, and is used as a solvent and as an ingredient in gasoline. It is also used to make plastics.
Other Words From
- naphthous adjective
Word History and Origins
Origin of naphtha1
Word History and Origins
Origin of naphtha1
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Example Sentences
It was a terrifying bombardment of rocks, palm trunks and flaming naphtha.
It furnishes naphtha, and the stone called Gangitis,534 which drives away reptiles.
He's perfectly grand, and I'm going to see if he won't give me a naphtha launch.
The naphtha will evaporate and leave a thin coating of firmly-adhering gutta percha behind.
Aaron, carrying the naphtha lantern, led the way across the strip of new-plowed soil.
On breaking these masses, and laying open the fissures, the substance assumed the form of naphtha.