

View synonyms for macintosh



[ mak-in-tosh ]


  1. a variant of mackintosh.



[ mak-in-tosh ]


  1. Charles, 1766–1843, Scottish chemist, inventor, and manufacturer.


/ ˈmækɪnˌtɒʃ /


  1. a variant spelling of mackintosh
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Apple further personalized computing with the operating systems for their Lisa, in 1982, and Macintosh, in 1984.

So all they have to do is think about a red apple the first time, a green apple the next time, maybe a Macintosh computer, and we are done.

The glasses at least initially only work with Windows computers and Lenovo’s Motorola mobile devices, and not Apple’s line of Macintosh computers or iPhones.

From Fortune

In June, the company had promised to announce by year-end new Macintosh computers powered by its own processor designs.

From Fortune

Like Macintosh, seemingly everyone is asking why this happened.

Jobs and Isaacson first met in 1984, when Jobs was pitching the original Macintosh to editors at Time.

Sales of Macintosh desktop and portable computers are still growing.

In 1984, the Apple chief introduced the first personal Macintosh computer before a breathless audience.

From introducing the first Macintosh to a rare conversation with Bill Gates, WATCH VIDEO of his most memorable appearances.

They print this instruction as a matter of form, and of course every man has his macintosh ready.

Strathdee seems the most desirable place for him, if he has a macintosh and rubber boots.

Such a poncho would cost 20l., and would not only keep out cold, but would turn rain like a “macintosh.”

Colvin, destitute of macintosh or wrap of any kind, was soaked through and through in about two minutes, and shivered exceedingly.

Haunted by visions of brain fever and insanity, Marriott put on his cap and macintosh and left the house.





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