

View synonyms for lacerated


[ las-uh-rey-tid ]


  1. mangled; jagged; torn.
  2. pained; wounded; tortured:

    lacerated sensibilities.

  3. Botany, Zoology. having the edge variously cut as if torn into irregular segments, as a leaf.

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Other Words From

  • un·lacer·ated adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of lacerated1

First recorded in 1600–10; lacerate + -ed 2
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Example Sentences

Can Mitt the Mouth, so often lacerated by his own tongue, talk his way back into contention?

The best laid plans: Instead it was Mitt himself who came up lame, hobbled and lacerated by his own tripping tongue.

She was severely beaten, with a dozen broken ribs, a lacerated liver, and signs of strangulation that included a fractured thorax.

Those who saw him in private knew that his feelings had been cruelly lacerated.

He had a vanity easily lacerated, and he was now too savage to abate the ferocity of his forensic attack.

"Throw it away," ordered Thurstane, after inspecting the twisted and lacerated musket.

The crows had ripped his clothes to ribbons with their tremendous beaks, and lacerated the flesh and picked out the eyes.

After being terribly lacerated, in his face and limbs, but not deprived of consciousness, he affected death.




