

View synonyms for jay



[ jey ]


  1. any of several noisy, vivacious birds of the crow family, subfamily Garrulinae, as the crested Garrulus glandarius, of the Old World, having brownish plumage with blue, black, and white barring on the wings. Compare blue jay, gray jay.
  2. Informal. a simpleminded or gullible person.



[ jey ]


, Slang.
  1. a marijuana cigarette.



[ jey ]


  1. John, 1745–1829, U.S. statesman and jurist: first chief justice of the U.S. 1789–95.
  2. a male given name.



/ dʒeɪ /


  1. any of various passerine birds of the family Corvidae (crows), esp the Eurasian Garrulus glandarius, with a pinkish-brown body, blue-and-black wings, and a black-and-white crest See also blue jay
  2. a foolish or gullible person
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012



/ dʒeɪ /


  1. JayJohn17451829MUSPOLITICS: statesmanLAW: juristPOLITICS: diplomat John 1745–1829, American statesman, jurist, and diplomat; first chief justice of the Supreme Court (1789–95). He negotiated the treaty with Great Britain ( Jay's treaty , 1794), that settled outstanding disputes
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Word History and Origins

Origin of jay1

1275–35; Middle English jai < Middle French < Late Latin gāius, gāia, perhaps after Latin Gāius man's name

Origin of jay2

First recorded in 1965–70; probably spelling of initial consonant of joint, perhaps suggested by pig Latin version ointjay
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Word History and Origins

Origin of jay1

C13: from Old French jai, from Late Latin gāius, perhaps from proper name Gāius
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Example Sentences

There just wasn’t anything Jay wouldn’t do to make things work.

Jay played two seasons for Linn and, after graduating, became a volunteer assistant and then a full-time assistant before going to work in the business office.

Jay assigned himself the Eastern Circuit, which included his home state of New York, Roberts wrote.

There were no cases to hear, so Jay and a colleague began circuit-riding, traveling around the young country to hear cases in lower courts.

According to Jay, fat reduction has more to do with your meals than your workouts.

Some of the things that Jay lied about to the cops actually make a ton of sense.

Jay is hard to empathize with and his silence suggests that, yeah, something is up.

Adnan is far more likeable than Jay because we hear directly from him.

That explanation is believable…but increasingly less so when you hear Jay talk about the nature of his relationship with Adnan.

In all fairness to Jay, he told The Intercept that he never expected to be a major figure in Serial.

The local name "Geai" may perhaps have misled him as to the occasional appearance of the Jay.

It would give every jay legisature a show to rough the railroads beautifully.

The names Jay, Peacock, and Parrott point to showiness and pride and empty talkativeness.

The Jews are no more God's chosen people than the jay is his chosen bird, or the mosquito his chosen insect.

Jay staggered back against the wall, then collapsed to the floor.




