

View synonyms for hairdressing


[ hair-dres-ing ]


  1. the act or process of cutting, combing out, doing up, or styling hair.
  2. the vocation or occupation of a hairdresser.
  3. a style of arranging the hair; hairdo; coiffure.
  4. a preparation, as tonic, oil, pomade, or the like, applied to the hair for increased manageability.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of hairdressing1

First recorded in 1765–75; hair + dressing
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Example Sentences

The walk from reception to the gym takes me past a makeup and hairdressing area and a large children’s playroom complete with giant teddy bear and ball pit.

The stylist said he was thrilled to be honored for “services to hairdressing” but seemed shaken by the negative reaction.

If I hadn't studied stenography I should have taken up hairdressing or manicuring.

I noticed the same rule prevailed in merchandise, hairdressing, and all kinds of business.

She copied her frocks, her manners, and her style of hairdressing, and offered up much incense before the altar of fashion.

So you see hairdressing is very important to study too, if a girl is to look her best and choose the most becoming hats.

Whilst she was busy with the hairdressing, they said to her, "Cinderella, should you be very glad to go to the ball?"


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