- Placement of a thin coat of a metal, such as zinc, over iron or steel to protect the latter from rust. Galvanized metals typically appear shiny.
Example Sentences
Yes, it was a fairly disappointing year in music—one devoid of Goth teen prodigies, Yeezy, and galvanizing rock anthems.
Yes, that devastating storm that struck New Jersey in the fall of 2012 has become the galvanizing issue of the 2014 campaign.
At the vanguard of the protests has been the galvanizing effect of social media.
Their job is to fuel a galvanizing blend of fear and outrage among listeners.
The success is galvanizing, and Facebook is just the beginning.
In 1871, Neftel relieved a case of hay asthma by galvanizing the vagus; but recent books know nothing of it.
Whatever wealth is made there, is made by outsiders--mostly Victorians--who are gradually galvanizing the place into life.
How much will they succeed in galvanizing the enthusiasm of their peoples for another grand effort, remains to be seen.
Suddenly the bell rang out, and the supine teamsters, galvanizing into life, jumped to their seats.
The galvanizing gives the wire a bright finish and serves to protect it from the corrosive action of the atmosphere.