

View synonyms for gain ground

gain ground

  1. gain ground on or upon . Encroach on, advance at the expense of. For example, Door-to-door canvassing helped them gain ground on the opposition .

  2. Advance, make progress; also, win acceptance. For example, The new conservation policy is gaining ground among the voters . This expression alludes to a military advance in which an army literally takes territory from the enemy. Its figurative use dates from about 1800. For an antonym, see lose ground .

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Example Sentences

As a result, the theory that false accusations were the real problem soon began to gain ground.

Knox and Sollecito have a good chance to gain ground in their appeal cases.

By little and little the enthusiasm will gain ground, and, when the moment shall have come, the insurrection will break out anew.

In the meantime the "Sketch Book" had continued to gain ground in England.

Meanwhile Arthur Beaufort's malady continued to gain ground rapidly.

We must gain ground first, and with these chains on our feet, we shant go far.

Letters are there held in no honour: Scotsmen are hated: superstition and ignorance gain ground daily.



