

View synonyms for fabulist


[ fab-yuh-list ]


  1. a person who invents or relates fables.
  2. a liar.


/ ˈfæbjʊlɪst /


  1. a person who invents or recounts fables
  2. a person who lies or falsifies
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of fabulist1

1585–95; < Middle French fabuliste, equivalent to < fābul ( a ) fable + -iste -ist
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Example Sentences

The fabulist ocean, this inscrutable outer space whales return from, in a metaphorical sense, enchants us with our own inward enigmas.

The fabulist seems to want only to rant in his new monologue.

To some I will always be a fabulist, a scoundrel, and a liar.

From there stemmed the idea of a fabulist, a man who lives in this alternate reality.

It is subtitled a "family fable" because there is a moral attached, and because Mac was a fabulist.

The born poet still talks that way, he is naturally a fabulist and cannot help himself.

Some of these folk-tales suggest the ingenuity of a fabulist.

Querulously he complained that people would not take him seriously, that they treated him as a fabulist.

In 1664 La Fontaine published his first collection of fables, and it gave him immediately the very highest rank as a fabulist.

La Fontaine, the fabulist, was buried by the side of Moliere, who died long before him.




