1- a suffix forming the superlative degree of adjectives and adverbs:
warmest; fastest; soonest.
2- a native English suffix formerly used to form the second person singular indicative of verbs:
knowest; sayest; goest.
3abbreviation for
- Eastern Standard Time.
4abbreviation for
- established.
- estate.
- estimate.
- estimated.
- estuary.
1abbreviation for
- Eastern Standard Time
- electric-shock treatment
- Estonia (international car registration)
- forming the archaic second person singular present and past indicative tense of verbs
thou goest
thou hadst
3abbreviation for
- Alsoestab established
- estimate(d)
4/ ɛst /
- a treatment intended to help people towards psychological growth, in which they spend many hours in large groups, deprived of food and water and hectored by stewards
- forming the superlative degree of adjectives and adverbs
Word History and Origins
Origin of -est1
Word History and Origins
Origin of -est1
Origin of -est2
Origin of -est3
Compare Meanings
How does -est compare to similar and commonly confused words? Explore the most common comparisons:
Example Sentences
The sweepstakes begins on December 9th, 2014 at 8:00 AM EST and ends on January 31st, 2015 at 11:59 EST (the "Entry Period").
As the Latin maxim puts it: De gustibus non est disputandum.
The highly anticipated sixth season of the hilarious spy-spoof will premiere on FX at 10 pm EST on January 8, 2015.
The band will be taking your questions in the module below from 4-5 PM EST today.
Morbi dignissim, sem nec finibus luctus, turpis lacus ornare risus, et vulputate nibh est vel lacus.
Il avoit sa belle robe soubs soy (car c'estoit en est), et se preparoit sa harangue funebre.
L'Occision des chiens est accoste de la tabagie et de ce qui suyt la tabagie, du chant et des danses.
Ce sont, comme nous croyons, les premieres hosties qui ayent est faites du froment de ce terroir.
C'est asss demeur la maison; sortons un peu dehors, comme nous avons promis de faire, et racontons ce qui s'est pass par le pays.
Toute la nuit ce ne fust que haranguer, chanter, danser; car telle est la vie de toutes ces gens lorsqu'ils sont en troupe.