- a noun suffix occurring in loanwords from French, where it originally formed diminutives, now often with a derivative sense in which the diminutive force is lost ( bagatelle; prunelle; rondelle ); also in Anglicized forms of Latin words ending in -ella ( organelle ).
Word History and Origins
Example Sentences
Elle magazine shot an editorial in September, one picture revealing a teacup pig sitting pretty by a mini Tyler Alexandra bag.
I did a piece for Elle about the effort to remake her into an elegant presence fashion-wise.
In attendance was supermodel Elle Macpherson and king of pop Michael Jackson, who also performed.
Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards told her unapologetic story last month in Elle.
Diane Lane is in it playing my wife, Elle Fanning plays my daughter, and Michael Stuhlbarg will play Edward G. Robinson.
Ils me conduysirent en la plus grande cabane de toutes; elle contenoit bien 80 ames.
Or ne say-je quelle estoit sa maladie; si elle venoit seulement par intervalles, ou non, je n'en say rien: tant y a que le 2.
Car cette Republique estant tablie, ce sera elle pourvoir ce qui regarde le spirituel.
Ma chre M-elle Fanny,—Je vous prie beaucoup de me pardonner que je ne vous ai ecrit si longtemps.
Elle petitioned for a chair by her, and the three brothers were together on the opposite side of the table.