[ ee-bey ]
Digital Technology, Trademark.
- the brand name for an internet retail website, launched in 1995, that specializes in consumer-to-consumer sales.
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Word History and Origins
Origin of eBay1
First recorded in 1990–95; short for Echo Bay Technology Group, a company founded by the founder of eBay, Pierre Omidyar (born 1967), French-born American entrepreneur of Iranian ancestry
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Example Sentences
Retailers were hammered by the scheme because checks and balances were scant in 2012, when the eBay grifting peaked.
From The Daily Beast
The shift in language and content is click-bait for the enterprising eBay-er.
From The Daily Beast
This past week a new eBay auction announced the sale of “Ancient Egyptian papyrus with Greek letters—Bible.”
From The Daily Beast
If we wondered where a forger would get the materials to forge a text like this, we need look no further than eBay.
From The Daily Beast
But the business climate and consumer culture of China made things difficult for companies like Google and eBay.
From The Daily Beast
As it is, take something home from the architectural salvage lot and sell it on eBay.
From Project Gutenberg