easy chair
easy chair
- a comfortable upholstered armchair
Word History and Origins
Origin of easy chair1
Example Sentences
In addition, the top conveniently tilts so you can help keep your back straight and improve your posture, even when you’re working from a couch or easy chair.
The low-profile base was designed to be tucked under furniture such as couches and easy chairs.
She would sit on the couch with him while I was in my easy chair.
You might want to look back over some of those 2008 margins before you settle into your easy chair tonight.
As they entered his room he pushed his cousin into an easy-chair and turned up the lamp on the writing-table.
She found the sick woman wrapped up in a warm dressing-gown, reclining languidly in a large easy chair.
A few minutes later Romanoff was sprawling in a large easy-chair with his feet close to the fire.
There was a cupboard and an easy-chair for Mr. Gunning on one side of the fireplace next the window.
Mr. Cornelius, who had been curled up in an easy chair reading, came up, smiling and nodding.
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