each other
- each the other; one another (used as a compound reciprocal pronoun):
to strike at each other; to hold each other's hands; to love each other.
each other
- used when the action, attribution, etc, is reciprocal
furious with each other
Usage Note
Word History and Origins
Origin of each other1
Idioms and Phrases
Also, one another . Each one the other, one the other, as in The boys like each other , or The birds were fighting one another over the crumbs . Both of these phrases indicate a reciprocal relationship or action between the subjects preceding ( the boys, the birds ). Formerly, many authorities held that each other should be confined to a relationship between two subjects only and one another used when there are more than two. Today most do not subscribe to this distinction, which was never strictly observed anyway. [Late 1300s] Also see at each other's throats .Compare Meanings
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Example Sentences
Masks were not part of the attire, or conversation, but we gave each other plenty of space.
According to Azevedo’s appeal, each other candidate had a decade less experience in government.
So they run into each other years later and it’s kind of the feeling of you left me hanging.
Over time, we watch as he learns the various ways in which human beings can do each other harm.
Connie and I will text throughout the day and send each other photos of our food as it comes out of the oven.
We would talk off and on, just checking-up-on-each-other kind of thing.
We clung to each other-was it to pass the time, or was it in despair?
Such is the case with our own language: each-other, one-another.
The same enthusiasm for art, the same studies and the same inclinations bound us yet closer to each-other.
The walls consist of unhewn beams laid upon each-other, the crevices being filled up with moss.
They reached the hall, where Siegfried and Gutrune stood to welcome them, and the men hailed each other-388- as brother.
Related Words
Definitions and idiom definitions from Unabridged, based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023
Idioms from The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.