damsel in distress
[ dam-zuhl in di-stres ]
- a person, usually a young woman, who needs to be rescued from danger or trouble of some kind:
This plumber is worth his weight in gold, and I would like to thank him for going out of his way to help this damsel in distress.
- Sometimes Damsel in Distress. a trope or narrative device in movies, books, games, etc., portraying a female character as a victim in need of rescue:
It has an exotic locale, the classic battle of man against nature, and, of course, a damsel in distress.
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Word History and Origins
Origin of damsel in distress1
First recorded in 1690–1700
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Example Sentences
Does the final in the Twilight series or the latest adaptation of the Tolstoy classic handle the damsel-in-distress theme better?
From The Daily Beast
Indeed, the damsel-in-distress paradigm is key in many pedal-pumping vids.
From The Daily Beast
This ain't any damsel-in-distress business, like Skinny is going to do.
From Project Gutenberg