1[ buhk ]
- the male of the deer, antelope, rabbit, hare, sheep, or goat.
- the male of certain other animals, as the shad.
- an impetuous, dashing, or spirited man or youth.
- Disparaging and Offensive. a contemptuous term used to refer to an American Indian male or an African American male.
- bucks, casual oxford shoes made of buckskin, often in white or a neutral color.
- Military. of the lowest of several ranks involving the same principal designation, hence subject to promotion within the rank:
buck private; buck sergeant.
2[ buhk ]
verb (used without object)
- (of a saddle or pack animal) to leap with arched back and come down with head low and forelegs stiff, in order to dislodge a rider or pack.
- Informal. to resist or oppose obstinately; object strongly:
The mayor bucked at the school board's suggestion.
- (of a vehicle, motor, or the like) to operate unevenly; move by jerks and bounces.
verb (used with object)
- to throw or attempt to throw (a rider or pack) by bucking.
- to force a way through or proceed against (an obstacle):
The plane bucked a strong headwind.
- to strike with the head; butt.
- to resist or oppose obstinately; object strongly to.
- Football. (of a ball-carrier) to charge into (the opponent's line).
- to gamble, play, or take a risk against:
He was bucking the odds when he bought that failing business.
- to press a reinforcing device against (the force of a rivet) in order to absorb vibration and increase expansion.
- an act of bucking.
verb phrase
- to make or become more cheerful, vigorous, etc.:
She knew that with a change of scene she would soon buck up.
- to strive for a promotion or some other advantage:
to buck for a raise.
3[ buhk ]
- a sawbuck; sawhorse.
- Gymnastics. a cylindrical, leather-covered block mounted in a horizontal position on a single vertical post set in a steel frame, for use chiefly in vaulting.
- any of various heavy frames, racks, or jigs used to support materials or partially assembled items during manufacture, as in airplane assembly plants.
- Also called door buck. a doorframe of wood or metal set in a partition, especially one of light masonry, to support door hinges, hardware, finish work, etc.
verb (used with object)
- U.S. and Canadian to split or saw (logs, felled trees, etc.).
verb phrase
- Surveying, Optical Tooling. to set up an instrument in line with two marks.
4[ buhk ]
- Poker. any object in the pot that reminds the winner of some privilege or obligation when their turn to deal next comes.
verb (used with object)
- to pass (something) along to another, especially as a means of avoiding responsibility or blame:
He bucked the letter on to the assistant vice president to answer.
5[ buhk ]
- completely; stark:
buck naked.
6[ buhk ]
- a dollar.
7[ buhk ]
verb (used without object)
- bukh.
8[ buhk ]
- lye used for washing clothes.
- clothes washed in lye.
verb (used with object)
- to wash or bleach (clothes) in lye.
9[ buhk ]
- Pearl (Sy·den·strick·er) [sahyd, -n-strik-er], 1892–1973, U.S. novelist: Nobel Prize 1938.
- a male given name.
1/ bʌk /
- poker a marker in the jackpot to remind the winner of some obligation when his turn comes to deal
- pass the buck shift blame or responsibility onto another
- the buck stops here informal.the ultimate responsibility lies here
2/ bʌk /
- gymnastics a type of vaulting horse
- a stand for timber during sawing Also called (in Britain and certain other countries)sawhorse
- tr to cut (a felled or fallen tree) into lengths
3/ bʌk /
- BuckPearl S(ydenstricker)18921973FUSWRITING: novelist Pearl S ( ydenstricker ). 1892–1973, US novelist, noted particularly for her novel of Chinese life The Good Earth (1931): Nobel prize for literature 1938
4/ bʌk /
- informal.a dollar
- informal.a rand
- a fast buckeasily gained money
- bang for one's buckSee bang 1
5/ bʌk /
- the male of various animals including the goat, hare, kangaroo, rabbit, and reindeer
- ( as modifier )
a buck antelope
- an antelope or deer of either sex
- informal.a young man
- archaic.a robust spirited young man
- archaic.a dandy; fop
- the act of bucking
- intr (of a horse or other animal) to jump vertically, with legs stiff and back arched
- tr (of a horse, etc) to throw (its rider) by bucking
- informal.whenintr, often foll by against to resist or oppose obstinately
to buck against change
to buck change
-; usually passive to cheer or encourage
I was very bucked at passing the exam
- informal.(esp of a car) to move forward jerkily; jolt
- to charge against (something) with the head down; butt
Derived Forms
- ˈbucker, noun
Word History and Origins
Origin of buck1
Origin of buck4
Origin of buck5
Origin of buck6
Origin of buck7
Word History and Origins
Origin of buck1
Origin of buck2
Origin of buck3
Origin of buck4
Idioms and Phrases
- pass the buck, to shift responsibility or blame to another person:
Never one to admit error, he passed the buck to his subordinates.
More idioms and phrases containing buck
- big bucks
- fast buck
- more bang for the buck
- pass the buck
Example Sentences
Sure, some topflight models can set you back thousands if you go for as many premium features as possible, but you can definitely get a decent cheap adjustable desk for no more than a couple hundred bucks.
This cheap ergonomic keyboard packs a major bang for its buck.
Mercenary CEOs know all too well that this is about the most bang you can get for your buck.
In particular, a recurrent “cold blob” has been observed in the ocean to the south of Greenland — a large region that is bucking the overall global warming trend and instead showing a marked cooling pattern.
That means whatever they’re doing—streaming a Netflix movie in ultrahigh definition, updating their operating system, watching endless hours of TikTok—they’re doing on your buck.
Congress is attempting to pass the buck on federal funding for education.
President Harry Truman kept a sign on his desk that read: “The Buck Stops Here.”
Jamming Netanyahu at the UN will buck him up among the right.
Some things have changed a lot since 1984 when the errant Father Buck wrote to his young love interest.
So often enough, those urchins are buck-naked and streaming wet.
G was a gamester, who had but ill-luck; H was a Hunter, who hunted a buck.
We squatted in the long grass and buck-brush, listening, and a few seconds later heard a horse snort distinctly.
The buck had been passed, let the boys sitting on their backsides down on Earth handle it.
It was a huge buck, with wide-spreading antlers, rising out of the bushes where it stood.
The bread is made of wheat meal, but in some cottages consisted of thin cakes without leven, and made of buck-wheat.
Related Words
Definitions and idiom definitions from Unabridged, based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023
Idioms from The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.