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Word History and Origins
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Word History and Origins
Origin of -ation1
from Latin -ātiōn-, suffix of abstract nouns, from -ātus -ate 1+ -iōn -ion
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Example Sentences
But in his talk there were no pompous triads, and little more than a fair proportion of words in -osity and -ation.
From Project Gutenberg
Lor' bless 'ee, why there's the beautiful new recr'ation ground as we've just 'ad made!
From Project Gutenberg
He was parsimonious, and the economy used at his coronation was so marked that it was called a "Half Crown-ation."
From Project Gutenberg
My wife had been dead fur sebrel years, an' not habbin' any chillum I libed by myse'f in er cabin on er big plan'ation.
From Project Gutenberg
The green doors fell to behind Glaze and Puckinharn and cut off the murmured admir ation.
From Project Gutenberg