

View synonyms for abnegation


[ ab-ni-gey-shuhn ]


  1. the act or an instance of abnegating, or denying oneself some rights, conveniences, etc.:

    It was a time of austerity and abnegation.

  2. the act of relinquishing or giving up a right, possession, etc.:

    abnegation of parental responsibilities.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of abnegation1

First recorded in 1350–1400, for an earlier sense; from Late Latin abnegation-, stem of abnegatio “denial,” equivalent to Latin abnegāt(us), past participle of abnegāre “to deny” + -iō -ion ( def ); abnegate ( def )
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Example Sentences

Breaking the link between fossil fuel and our energy-fueled lifestyle requires a certain amount of self-abnegation.

Erudite is trying to wrestle control of the government away from Abnegation via nefarious schemes.

On the contrary, Barkley debunks his own presence in the spot, in a brilliant stroke of marketing self-abnegation.

Abnegation is a way of adding oomph to any ritual; putting your stomach where your mouth is.

But its voice was soon stifled, and its children were rewarded for their abnegation by punishment, martyrdom and death.

His devotion to you is the most beautiful expression of self-abnegation that I have ever met.

John Stuart Mill says that utter self-abnegation has been preached to women as a peculiarly feminine virtue.

In leaving France, I have made a complete abnegation of my life, persuaded that I shall never again see my country.

But, save in this entire self-abnegation and social exclusion, Mr. McDonogh had none of the habits of the miser.




