[ uh-bree-vee-ey-shuhn ]
- a shortened or contracted form of a word or phrase, used to represent the whole, as Dr. for Doctor, U.S. for United States, lb. for pound.
- an act of abbreviating; state or result of being abbreviated; reduction in length, duration, etc.; abridgment; summary:
His abbreviation of his famous monograph, an enormous endeavor in itself, made an excellent introduction to the volume of collected essays of which he was the editor.
- a short phrase or reduced form used to represent a larger, more complex idea, situation, set of beliefs, etc.:
“Freedom of speech” has become an abbreviation for a wealth of debate—and case law—about protesters' rights.
The artist presented an abbreviation of line, plane, and curve; she creates breathtaking abstract representations of bodies you expect to leap off the canvas and start dancing.
/ əˌbriːvɪˈeɪʃən /
- a shortened or contracted form of a word or phrase used in place of the whole
- the process or result of abbreviating
- A shortened form of an expression, usually followed by a period . Dr . is a standard abbreviation for Doctor ; MA is a standard abbreviation for Massachusetts .
Grammar Note
Word History and Origins
Origin of abbreviation1
Example Sentences
David-Jeremiah began with the pieces that include the abbreviations, the second of which expresses the same sentiment as the first, but rendered in Dallas slang.
Hovering your mouse over a particular flag brings up the identifying abbreviation of the metric name and the recorded timing in milliseconds.
Academic writing is usually jam-packed with sophisticated scientific concepts, but in recent decades studies have also become filled with endless acronyms and abbreviations.
A 2017 article in the Association for Psychological Science’s Observer, noted that the more abbreviations were explained and spelled out, the more interest readers had in the subject matter.
It’s a language full of abbreviations, initialisms, and acronyms.
Speaking of D.H. Lawrence, T.C. Boyle, another ye of the double abbreviation, might be the man who writes most like him today.
GTL (Jerseyan, n.)—the abbreviation for the guido way of life, which stands for gym, tanning, laundry.
The desert creeps at the rate of fingernails; the abbreviation for street is the same as that for saint.
I told him the abbreviation and he typed it into the computer, his face lighting up with epiphany before sending me on my way.
"Empey" is her pet name for him, an abbreviation of "Emperor;" and he likes to hear her say it.
As the word is now generally used it is an abbreviation of Pishu Huanu—Bird-dung.
Have we here no specimens of abbreviation; no allusion in the prologue to "omissis qu videbantur superflua?"
More probably the word is an abbreviation of Italian borghetto diminutive of borgo a “borough.”
Abbreviation Left hand up, while the R foot is moving and the L hopping.
More About Abbreviation
What is an abbreviation?
An abbreviation is a shortened version of a word or phrase, such as prof. for professor or Mr. for mister.
Abbreviation is also the act of shortening words or phrases, as in The abbreviation of department names is common in government.
We use several different methods to create abbreviations. Some of the most common include using the first letter or group of letters of a word, like Mon. for Monday and O for oxygen.
Abbreviations are also created by taking the first and last letter of a word, such as Dr. for doctor, or by taking several consonants of a word, like Pvt. for private and Sgt. for sergeant.
When we are shortening a series of words, such as a department or agency name, the abbreviation will be made of the first letter of each word (called an initialism), such as FBI for the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
When we read an abbreviation out loud, we usually say the word it represents rather than the abbreviation. Mr. Jones would be said out loud as Mister Jones. If the abbreviation is an initialism, however, we usually say the letters themselves. For example, CIA is said as “see-eye-ay” rather than “Central Intelligence Agency.” If an abbreviation is meant to be said like this, it is usually spelled with capital letters.
Why is abbreviation important?
The first records of the word abbreviation come from around 1400. It ultimately comes from the Late Latin abbreviātiō, which combines the Latin ad– (toward) and brevis (short).
We use abbreviations to save writers time and energy or, less commonly now, to save printing costs. In spoken language, it is also much easier to say FBI or CNN rather than repeatedly having to say Federal Bureau of Intelligence or Cable News Network.
Abbreviations that are pronounced letter by letter, such as DDT or UN, are called initialisms. Abbreviations that are said out loud as words, such as NASA (nah-suh) or NATO (nay-toe) are called acronyms.
With the rise of the internet and phone texting, abbreviations have become very popular. Some popular modern abbreviations include LOL, JK, AFK, and BRB.
Did you know … ?
Some abbreviations are so commonly used that they become words on their own, and people may be unaware that they are a shortened form. For example, the word laser comes from “lightwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.”
What are real-life examples of abbreviation?
This chart lists some of the abbreviations that are commonly used on the internet and in texting:
Abbreviations are used every day, especially on the internet.
The abbreviations for teaspoon and tablespoon are too similar and NOBODY'S TALKING ABOUT IT!!!!
— Josh Gondelman (@joshgondelman) August 30, 2020
I think I'm too old for twitter, I keep having to look up what some of the abbreviations mean that you guys use.😶
— az (@amal_zedd) September 2, 2020
What other words are related to abbreviation?
Quiz yourself!
Which of the following is NOT an abbreviation?
B. Prof.
C. Fri.
D. cat